Fat Wally's - Billiards, Darts, Foosball, Fun!!

20 Pool Tables With Plenty of Shot Space

20 American Made Pool Tables

Whether your "banking" it, Kicking" it, or just shooting "Natural", Fat Wally's has plenty of space to make "that shot".

20 billiard tables - 8 foot, 9 foot American Made Pool Tables by Olhausen, and several "Pay Tables".  Beginner or Pro, Fat Wally's is a perfect spot to learn or hone your skills.  Call us if your interested in joining a league or taking part in our weekly pool tournaments (319) 368-8266.

3PM - 2AM

Tall Boy Specials
3PM - 7PM

429 2nd Ave. SE
(319) 368-8266

Taste The World! Over 100 Different Imported Beer Selections

Great Drinks, Over 100 Imported Beer Selections

From Amstel Light to Xingu, We've made it easy to enjoy your favorite imported beer.  Fat Wally's selection of "World Beer" is best par none. Over 100 imported beer choices from 19 different countries.

Choose from 43 different styles , from the wonderfully sweet and fruity Lambics from Belgium to the aggressive Fuller's ESB (Extra Special/Strong Bitter) from England.  There's a style, flavor, import just right and waiting for you.

Billiards, Darts, Foosball,  or just sitting back and enjoying your pick of sounds from the "Juke", you just can't go wrong with one of our imports!

Electronic Darts!

Electronic Darts, Great for groups

Darts more your aim? Have a shuffle along the "oche" and "diddle for the middle" to see who's first with the "arrows".

Beginner or pro, chucker or archer, darts are a great way to have fun. Never played before? No worries, will give you a helping hand.   Dart leagues and tournaments are starting soon.  Give us a call for details (319) 368-8266.

Dart Leagues & Tournaments
Starting Soon!

Call Us For Details
(319) 368-8266

Foosball - Table Soccer - Foosers Of The World Unite!

Foosball Tables, Great for parties

The number of people picking up the sport of Foosball in North America over the past few years is astounding.  Line up your goal on one of our Tornado Cyclone tables.  Join your friends for a fast, fun, and exciting spin of the rods.

Once you play, you'll be "hooked". (...and yes, we know that was bad "English")